Dear Rob,

Dear Rob,
We love you so much!!! Thank you for being our strength, example, and mentor. We are praying for you and thinking of you at this time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What a surprise! An update

Dear Family,
Thank you for your kind thoughts and love.  We treasure our relationships with each of you.  Our children have been so easy to raise, always making wise and righteous choices.  We love who you have married and the wonderful grandchildren you are giving us.  And we so admire our daughter-in-laws families and are glad that we can expand our family circle to include them.

Shareen, Crystal, Scott, Chris, and Brandon it has been a pleasure to have you in our home and we have always tried to treat you like one of our own.  We are proud of who you have become and the righteous choices you have and are making.

We love all of you. Your support during this challenging time means the world to us.  We are grateful for your prayers and faith. We hope that you will look for and recognize the tender mercies as they come from the Lord. Just recently I have had a peace come over me that has dispelled much of my fear.  I feel liberated and more able to confront the challenges that lay just down the road.  It has been an amazing change for me and I am grateful to a loving Heavenly Father.

As an update, the tumor board today recommended immunotherapy in place of surgery.  I think it is still our choice but I am not really sure.  Janelle and I are thinking that we would still like to remove the tumor from my lung.  That would leave the two small spots on the liver.  We could then treat them with immunotherapy, or we might want to take an alternative approach.  Surgery, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy all act to find and kill the cancer.  This approach does not attempt to correct any underlying problems that allow the cancer to grow in the first place.  A natural approach seeks to make the body's immune system strong enough to fight the battle for you.  Immunotherapy is not curative but rather seeks to slow the growth of the cancer.  A natural approach can be curative and may help slow the growth as well.  Immunotherapy damages the immune system as it works to kill the cancer, a natural approach seeks to build the immune system.

These are just some of the thoughts that are rattling around in our heads right now.  We still hold fast to the promises of the Lord and are anxious to be doing our part.  We are upbeat and hopeful.  Please rejoice with us for all that each of us have been blessed with.

We love all of you and may the Lord's blessing be with you,
Rob and Janelle, dad and mom

We love you and there is no better or fancier way of saying it

It is not easy for us to express our emotions and we are far from eloquent. In simple words we want to let you know that we love you, Your ability to show kindness, generosity, love, service, faith, and patience have been an example to us and our children in thousands of ways we cannot begin to describe. We hope that we can follow the example you have set for us—in our minds there is no greater compliment. You are always in our prayers and our sweet children pray for you every night with the kind of faith only a small child can have. In the words of Fancy Nancy, because that is the kind of literature we read around here :-D “We love you and there is no better or fancier way of saying it.”

Jeff, Laurie, and the kids.

To My Father,

Dear dad, you have been, are, and forever will be my hero. You have no idea how much you have influenced my life. There is hardly a minute that goes by without me thinking "what would dad do" in this situation - especially when it involves cars, money, anything outdoors, shopping, writing, anything dangerous, adventurous, or challenging I've always wanted to do it just like you would (although when you tell me to do it your way I seem to resist ;) I look up to you in everything, even the attitude, and can't even begin to list the many thing you have taught me. I am proud to be where I am today and it's all from the ways you have molded me into a daughter of God who believes in miracle and has the faith of a thousand men. I know that things will be okay and our lives will be guided and held in heavens arms. I love you more than you know, I know I don't say it enough. Thank you. Thank you for everything, for my life. You are my inspiration and hero. I'll love you forever.

Your one-and-only-most-spoiled-daughter Brittany

Hey Bishop!

First of all we want to say, "We love you!" You have been a great support to Sarah and me in our journey out East for medical school. Thanks for being so supportive and caring. We love Skyping and spending time with you and mom on Sundays. Let's keep it up! Thank you for helping us build up our lives here in DC. It meant so much to have you and Janelle fly out to DC to stay with us. We were so excited to show you the city and we had a lot of good adventures. But some of my favorite memories of that trip are making food in our apartment, painting the kitchen and bathroom, caulking corners, fixing random odds and ends (and the car). . . anyway I just want to let you know that we think you are such an amazing man. You remind me so much of my own dad in the way that you serve and support those around you. I don't think I have heard you complain about anything. Your attitude has been one of hope and sunshine since the day I met you. Thank you for sharing your sunlight with all of us! Thank you for being our stalwart rock. Most of all, WE ARE SO HAPPY YOU SET US UP! We love being married and that is because of you and your sneaky callings to put us together. Can't wait to swap some stories when we are home for Christmas. Love you!!! Ryan & Sarah

Thank You

Dear Rob, I am so grateful for you! A girl could not ask for a better father-in-law. I'm grateful for your friendship, example and the way that you raised Jason. Especially now that we have our sweet little Gracie I am so grateful for the great example of fatherhood that Jason had. He is an amazing father-- thanks to you. Thank you for raising him to be so hard working, so compassionate and so loving. Thank you for helping him become the man he is. He is so lucky to have you. So is Gracie and so am I. From the first time I met you I was impressed with how hard working you are and how kind you are. I've always felt so welcomed by you. I'm grateful for your humor and positive attitude. I'm grateful for your faith. I'm truly blessed to have married into such a great family. Thank you for always making me feel loved and welcomed. Thank you for all of your generousity to our little family. I can honestly say that you are one of my favorite people. I am so glad that Grace gets a grandpa like you. We are praying for you. The way you look at this as an opportunity to trust in God inspires us. It strengthens our faith. Your Christ-like example is one that helps me as a mother and wife and helps Jason as a father and husband. Be proud of the way you raised your son. Be proud of the greatness and goodness you've inspired in others. You are a great person and we love you so much. We are praying for you. We love you. Thank you for helping cultivate a life of faith in our family. Love, Alysha

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Dear Rob, First, I must say that you are the most AMAZING Uncle!!! You are a great cook, an expert decorator, computer savvy, and the best"est" fun trip planner. I remember coming to visit you, when your family lived in the duplexes. I loved it soooo much that I would hide when it was time to go home. I knew that it could always buy me at least another half hour at your house. It was always a real treat when we got to come down. You may not have been expecting more mouths to feed at dinner time, but how could we help had the house that everyone always wanted to be at!!! This has proved to be true over the years. Me, Scott, and Chris have all lived there at some well as Brandon, your Mom, and anyone else needing a place to stay for a while. Thank you to you and Janelle for always opening your home to us. I think your house has always been my favorite because of my wonderful cousins, the games, the food, the memories, the peace, the acceptance, and the love that everyone entering your home can feel. Thank you for being a mentor, a counselor, and my 2nd dad. I have always wanted to have a home like yours...that feels loving, calm, beautiful, and welcoming. I have always loved seeing your decorating projects (as this is a passion of mine). New gadgets and Gizmos from Costco. And what project was next on the table. You have helped me to feel support when issues and problems seemed too great for me to carry. I loved having Sunday dinners at your house twice a month when Bart and I were first married. I have loved going on trips and adventures with Jeff and your family. I remember when I was in Middle School or High School and we live in NY, ....we didn't have much money at the time and your family surprised us with a whole box of presents. You have always taken care of all of us & for this I feel so blessed. Thank you for always serving and always giving of your time and energy for my family. We love you so much!!! We are praying for you and know that all things are in the loving hands of our Father in Heaven. Thank You for your optimism and faith. Thank You for building our faith. We love you!!!! ~Crystal

Best Brother-In-Law Ever!!

Rob~How could we ever begin to thank you for all the things you have done for us! We sure appreciated all the Sunday dinners while Heath was in college. And then the dinners continued even after his graduation, though we didn't need the laundry mat service anymore:) Thanks for hiring Heath when we had a newborn and no employment. Thanks for helping us move countless times. Thanks for all the electrical work you did for both of our homes, plus countless other handyman jobs. I could go on and on. Some of my favorite childhood memories are playing Milles Bourne, Skip-Bo, and Uno at your home in Weiser. I loved taking care of all your children when they were little. You even trusted me to run your Sears store all by myself on Saturdays when I was 14 (and looked like I was 11.) You let me live with you for a summer while I was attending BYU. That was such a fun time! I loved it when the three of us would stay up late talking. You and Janelle have been a big part of my life since I was in the 4th grade. You have set a wonderful example for us in many areas. We look up to your family for everything. Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. We're grateful for your positive and upbeat personality. If only I could somehow channel your energy! We really can't tell you how much you mean to us and our family. May the Lord bless you with all your righteous desires. I love you, Shareen