Dear Rob,

Dear Rob,
We love you so much!!! Thank you for being our strength, example, and mentor. We are praying for you and thinking of you at this time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hey Bishop!

First of all we want to say, "We love you!" You have been a great support to Sarah and me in our journey out East for medical school. Thanks for being so supportive and caring. We love Skyping and spending time with you and mom on Sundays. Let's keep it up! Thank you for helping us build up our lives here in DC. It meant so much to have you and Janelle fly out to DC to stay with us. We were so excited to show you the city and we had a lot of good adventures. But some of my favorite memories of that trip are making food in our apartment, painting the kitchen and bathroom, caulking corners, fixing random odds and ends (and the car). . . anyway I just want to let you know that we think you are such an amazing man. You remind me so much of my own dad in the way that you serve and support those around you. I don't think I have heard you complain about anything. Your attitude has been one of hope and sunshine since the day I met you. Thank you for sharing your sunlight with all of us! Thank you for being our stalwart rock. Most of all, WE ARE SO HAPPY YOU SET US UP! We love being married and that is because of you and your sneaky callings to put us together. Can't wait to swap some stories when we are home for Christmas. Love you!!! Ryan & Sarah

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