Dear Rob,

Dear Rob,
We love you so much!!! Thank you for being our strength, example, and mentor. We are praying for you and thinking of you at this time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

To My Father,

Dear dad, you have been, are, and forever will be my hero. You have no idea how much you have influenced my life. There is hardly a minute that goes by without me thinking "what would dad do" in this situation - especially when it involves cars, money, anything outdoors, shopping, writing, anything dangerous, adventurous, or challenging I've always wanted to do it just like you would (although when you tell me to do it your way I seem to resist ;) I look up to you in everything, even the attitude, and can't even begin to list the many thing you have taught me. I am proud to be where I am today and it's all from the ways you have molded me into a daughter of God who believes in miracle and has the faith of a thousand men. I know that things will be okay and our lives will be guided and held in heavens arms. I love you more than you know, I know I don't say it enough. Thank you. Thank you for everything, for my life. You are my inspiration and hero. I'll love you forever.

Your one-and-only-most-spoiled-daughter Brittany

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