Dear Rob,

Dear Rob,
We love you so much!!! Thank you for being our strength, example, and mentor. We are praying for you and thinking of you at this time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What a surprise! An update

Dear Family,
Thank you for your kind thoughts and love.  We treasure our relationships with each of you.  Our children have been so easy to raise, always making wise and righteous choices.  We love who you have married and the wonderful grandchildren you are giving us.  And we so admire our daughter-in-laws families and are glad that we can expand our family circle to include them.

Shareen, Crystal, Scott, Chris, and Brandon it has been a pleasure to have you in our home and we have always tried to treat you like one of our own.  We are proud of who you have become and the righteous choices you have and are making.

We love all of you. Your support during this challenging time means the world to us.  We are grateful for your prayers and faith. We hope that you will look for and recognize the tender mercies as they come from the Lord. Just recently I have had a peace come over me that has dispelled much of my fear.  I feel liberated and more able to confront the challenges that lay just down the road.  It has been an amazing change for me and I am grateful to a loving Heavenly Father.

As an update, the tumor board today recommended immunotherapy in place of surgery.  I think it is still our choice but I am not really sure.  Janelle and I are thinking that we would still like to remove the tumor from my lung.  That would leave the two small spots on the liver.  We could then treat them with immunotherapy, or we might want to take an alternative approach.  Surgery, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy all act to find and kill the cancer.  This approach does not attempt to correct any underlying problems that allow the cancer to grow in the first place.  A natural approach seeks to make the body's immune system strong enough to fight the battle for you.  Immunotherapy is not curative but rather seeks to slow the growth of the cancer.  A natural approach can be curative and may help slow the growth as well.  Immunotherapy damages the immune system as it works to kill the cancer, a natural approach seeks to build the immune system.

These are just some of the thoughts that are rattling around in our heads right now.  We still hold fast to the promises of the Lord and are anxious to be doing our part.  We are upbeat and hopeful.  Please rejoice with us for all that each of us have been blessed with.

We love all of you and may the Lord's blessing be with you,
Rob and Janelle, dad and mom

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